Player Newslog

  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016

Totali Carriera

StagioneGoalsAssistsYellow CardsRed CardsAppearancesWin RatioDraw RatioLoss RatioOFFPen%CKOwn GoalsGPGAPGSH%P%PerfFSDRBKPPSPAPKGPKASOGSHMIN

Player List

1Daniele AlfanoASD AstiDifensore--00.00
2Silvio BrustolinASD AstiPortiere--00.00
3Kleto GjuraASD AstiDifensore--00.00
4Zdravko ManasievASD AstiCentrocampista--00.00
5Antonio CardoreASD AstiCentrocampista--00.00